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4th Quarter Life Coaching

Every stage of life presents unique challenges, transitions, and opportunities. Together, we can find the silver lining for your later years.

“I firmly believe that every life stage presents opportunities and possibilities for engagement, enrichment, personal growth, and fulfillment…even the 4th Quarter.”

Just as with any age client, I guide my 4th Quarter clients to take a personal inventory. It’s a great time to take a good look at yourself.

Here are some steps I recommend for your personal inventory:

– Identify your Strengths / Capabilities / Skills / Talents

– Create your Lovable List…your qualities and traits that make people want to be with and spend time with you

– Explore What You Like to Do / What You’re Good At / What the World Needs / and What the World May Pay For…this will help you focus on your new Life Purpose  

– Surround your life in positivity…people who believe in you / activities that bring you purpose and fulfillment / time for yourself to replenish and enrich your life and soul

By building on the positives in your life and what you most want to do, you can make the 4th Quarter of life Fulfilling, Satisfying, Productive and FUN.

Your 4th Quarter Can Be...Purposeful. Fulfilling. Joyful.

Let It Shine.