How We Learn To Be – Nature vs. Nurture

Ways We Learn To Be Before you can make changes in your life, you must first take a close look at yourself. You need to understand how you learned to be who you are. This is an extremely important facet of life coaching, as well as making changes in your life moving forward. Remember what […]
How Embracing the Concept of N.B.D. Can Make You Happier and More Productive

Don’t Worry. Be Present. One of the teachings of Buddha goes like this – “The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.” I’d like to share an extremely important, even life-changing concept […]
Reason #3 To Use A Life Coach: I’ve Had a Loss That Brings Me Down

What losses have you experienced in your life? You’ve experienced loss or a series of losses that are bringing you down. You would like to work through the losses, and find your way to honour them while moving forward positively. You’re not alone. Everyone experiences loss in their life. It’s one of the universal truths…loss […]
Reason #1 To Use A Life Coach: “I Feel Stuck”

If you’re feeling stuck in old, negative patterns and limited thinking, life coaching can help you to break through to set and achieve new personal growth goals. “Almost all painful feelings have their source in an incorrect way of looking at reality. When you uproot erroneous views, suffering ceases.” — The Buddha, as written by Thich […]
How Practicing Deferred Gratification Can Help You Reach Your Goals

Where Are You On The Deferred Gratification Continuum? First off, what is deferred gratification? Deferred Gratification describes the process that a person undergoes when they resist the temptation of an immediate reward in preference for a later reward or payout. I first learned about Deferred Gratification in Junior High School health class. Not that I totally […]
Stop. Look. And Listen…

Are Old Patterns of Scarcity Thinking Keeping You Stuck? You’re feeling stuck. Old, familiar patterns of limited, scarcity thinking are keeping you from breaking out. You want to break through to set and achieve new personal growth goals. But how? It’s always a good idea to Stop, Look and Listen. Not just to safely cross the […]
Can Positive Thinking Help Transform Your Life?

Your thinking and beliefs affect everything you do Thoughts are powerful things. They control us and everything we do. They even have the power to create our realities. Sounds cliche, but it’s true. If you can harness the power of positive thinking, you’ll start to attract positive things into your life. Positive thinking is thinking about what you […]
This Is How Your Childhood Affects You Today

Changing the ways you learned to be and not to be We’ve all experienced some drama or trauma in our childhood that has shaped us into who we are today. It is the drama and trauma we experience as kids that caused us to be and not to be. Our parents and caregivers have the most impact on us and […]
Are you Managing Life Transitions?

Life is full of transitions. Each stage brings new changes, challenges, and opportunities. Some transitions are simple. Others are difficult. As we begin the second half of 2020, you may be facing a lot of transitions right now. Every stage of life has transitions. How do you handle these changes? You’ve probably learned by now […]
What Is All The Fuss About Positive Thinking?

Positive Thinking has been written about for centuries. Epictetus, a Greek philosopher and former slave, in the First Century said, “The thing that upsets people is not so much what happens but what they think about what happens.” Likely the first origin of Positive Thinking thinking. Why do so many philosophers, writers, motivational speakers and […]